
Bextra Bale Feeder (*) BLACK The most Conveniant, Versatile, Durable, Efficient, Effective, and Economical Me...

Item #: ALE30
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Bar Kit Red(*) 31" Add on bar kit creates "spaces" to seperate animals while they eat.

Item #: CLF36
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Cone Feeder New (*) 8X56 (56") Poly Round bale feeder, with cone insert, saves hay!

Item #: CLF18
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Fdr Single Leg(*)Black 46" Single Leg Only, for repair or replacement should you lose or break one

Item #: CLF02
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Feeder Horse/Cow (*) 8'X 32" Poly round bale feeder, for horned cattle, and horses, small animals

Item #: CLF15
Case Qty: 10

Century Bale Feeder Original (*) 8X46 Original Poly Bale Feeder. Accept no substitues.

Item #: CLF01
Case Qty: 10

Century Bale Feeder Single Leg (*) 32" Leg for Century Bale feeder

Item #: CLF52
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Feedr Leg Kit Blue (*) 32" Set of 6 - 32" legs with bolts and nuts.

Item #: CLF38
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Leg Pkg Of 6 Black (*) 46" Kit of 6 legs to fit CLF01 8'x46" feeder. comes with Stainless bolt package. 4 s...

Item #: CLF27
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Ring Only (*) 8FT Replacement ring for Century bale feeders. 8ft diameter

Item #: CLF39
Case Qty: 1

Century Bale Ring Repair Kit (*) PART Poly repair kit for all Century Bale feeders. Should you ever break a weld,this ...

Item #: CLF14
Case Qty: 6

Century Bale Skirt Kit (*) PART Poly skirting kit for all Century Bale feeders.. Eliminates hay wasting.

Item #: CLF25
Case Qty: 1

Century Bolt Bag (All Feeders) (*) PARTS Stainless Steel hardware used to secure the 2" rings to the 3" legs on the Centu...

Item #: CLF40
Case Qty: 1

Century Ring Only Warranty (*) 8FT Warranty Ring, should one break or become damaged.

Item #: CLF26
Case Qty: 1

Kfs Bale Feeder 14Ga Red Unskirted 3 PC 14ga x 1 3/4" Tube. 3pc Feeder w Flat Metal Ends. Bolts Inculded

Item #: BJM03
Case Qty: 4

Kfs Bale Feeder 14Ga W/Skirt Red (* 3 PC 14ga x 1 3/4" Tube, Red w Flat Metal Ends, Bolts Inculded

Item #: BJM04
Case Qty: 4

Kfs Bale Feeder 16G Skirt Charcoal* 3 PC 16ga x 1 5/8 Tube, Gray, Flat Metal Ends, Bolts included

Item #: BJM02
Case Qty: 4

Kfs Bale Feeder 16Ga Charcoal (*) 3 PC 16ga x 1 5/8" Tube, Gray, Flat Metal Ends, Bolts Included.

Item #: BJM01
Case Qty: 4

Kfs Bale Feeder A Frame Galv 3Pc(*) HORSE 8' Horse Bale Feeder, Galvanized, 3 Piece, 18ga, 100lbs

Item #: DGD97
Case Qty: 7